Tuesday, 13 August 2013

How to reduce the growth of unwanted body hair?

As most women deal with excess body hair on regular basis, they all have some sort of preferences regarding the hair removal method they use. Some women like to shave it off quickly every time they see hair popping out; others prefer to go for waxing. Using depilation creams and hair removal spray in UK is also becoming a trend among women who seek painless removal. But for women who have quick regrowth of hair, any depletion method can turn out to be hectic and frustrating. For women who have rapid hair growth, here are some suggestions to can help then reduce body hair:

1. Understand your hormonal profile:

It may be easy to just pluck out hair every time it pops out, but it is important to learn whether the growth cycle of your body hair is common or not. It helps selecting the right method of removal and treatment if your condition is not common. In some women, who have hair regrowth quicker than others, might face the problem due to higher-than-normal levels of insulin or androgen hormones like testosterone. If this is the case with you, then methods to reduce insulin level and testosterone level can be helpful in slowing the hair growth.

2. Drink spearmint tea:

It has been found that drinking spearmint tea twice a day reduces the effects of the levels of androgens in the body.  You can drink either hot spearmint tea with honey or chilled team with unfiltered apple juice. Making this tea a part of your meal can slow the growth of your body hair over the time:

3. Use hair inhibiting spray:

There are several cosmetic and natural sprays available on the market that stops hair from growing back on the body. You can buy Hair No More Spray from Skin Doctor online to slow down and stop unwanted body hair growth. Just apply and massage the spray into the skin after you have shaved or waxed to reduce the frequency of hair removal.

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